Calling: Student Ambassador at Hong Kong Adventist College
I’m going to Hong Kong because when God showed me His call for each one of His followers to go and make disciples, I responded “Here I am, Lord, send me”. Never would I have imagined that He would send me across the world for a year, away from my family and my friends.
I don’t think I have a very adventurous spirit. But I want to spend my life devoted to His cause and living in surrender to His purposes. Despite my fears, I know that the blessing is in the going.
Already, He has blessed in providing the way for me to go. My first semester in college, I took the SALT program at Southern and that experience and training woke me up to the work of spreading the gospel that God calls each one of us to. My second semester, I started thinking about taking a year off for Student Missions.
I told God if He wanted me to go, He had to make the way. One of the things holding me back was the $150 application fee for something I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to. Before a canvassing shift one day, I had a passing thought of “what if I got a big donation today, I could use it to apply”. That shift someone gave me $200 for two $15 books.
So I applied and the next hurdle was the fundraising. There was a week until spring break; hence, a week to set up the fundraising website and get the paperwork in. I interviewed with HKAC the Thursday over break and was accepted to be student ambassador the Friday before I made an appeal to my church for fundraising.
Within three days, my mission was fully funded. Praise the Lord for the generosity that was shown!
My visa was approved and the tickets were purchased.
God made the way. Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”
The first part of that verse is well known, it is written on the cover of my journal, “Be still, and know that I am God!” But I love the second part, “I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” We are called to share the gospel to every nation, tongue, and people which can seem like a really daunting task but He says all we have to do is “be still and know” and He will do the rest.
The College Building |
Prayer Requests:
- God would continue to prepare me to be a Christian friend to those I meet
- Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Hong Kong Adventist College
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